Saturday, 10 October 2015

A Special Update for all you Loyal Muffin Junkee Listeners and a humble thank you for your loyal listening Patronage and Patience

I want to thank all of you Loyal Muffin Junkee Podcast Listeners for your listening Patronage .

It is an honor to announce these shows on all these amazing talented Bands and Solo musicians for you all to enjoy!

I also thank you for your considerable patience during the month of Sept  where there was no Podcast -this was caused by an unforeseen event involving the audio with the band that was to be involved on this particular podcast .Basically it left me with no options but to cancel this whole Podcast with no time to put another in its place as the recordings of other podcasts were  just in early days and  very rudimentary a certainly not enough to rush out a new podcast .

This regrettable occurrence meant there was no Podcast for you to enjoy in Sept and has lead to considerable back up of shows that were to be scheduled after this and some stressful moments.

I shall try my very best to have a podcast for you in late October. Believe me if it doesn't occur it certainly be not for lack of effort on my part but rather due to the Sheer volume of audio work that is required to make the Muffin Junkee Podcast happen .

But that having been said  rectify this  in the most timely manner possible I am going to reschedule some  of the subsequent shows  that would have occurred in 2015 .Some have been changed instead to early 2016 for example to ensure that the best possible show quality possible and good quality conditions for both the Musical Guests and my self  to conduct the show under .

There will now be Three upcoming Podcasts for the time remaining Nov and Dec 2015.I will have more announcements regarding who the Musicial Guests will be in the weeks to come .

Rest assured there is lots of talks and planning and audio being recorded between some very excellent Musicians and my self at the moment  and your patience will be rewarded believe me !There is lots of good things in the work's right now.

It will be well worth the wait .

Again thanks everyone ,

Muffin Junkee Podhost ,
Jay Daniels

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